瓦楞板是一种复合面板结构的金属吊顶,其面板选用优质高强度铝合金板材,芯材通过自动机构辊压或连续冲压完成瓦楞造 型,材料强度增加。使用航空热熔胶,通过高温高压完成板材的粘合。面板可以冲孔,背面贴覆吸音无纺布,可用作吸音吊 顶。其构造主要由面板、加强筋和角码组成。角码可直接由面板折弯、冲压成型,也可在面板的小边上铆装角码成型。加强 筋与板面后的电焊螺钉连接,使之成为一个牢固的整体,极大增强了铝瓦楞板幕墙的强度与刚性,保证了长期使用中的平整 度及抗风抗震能力。如果需要隔音保温,可在铝板内侧安装高效的隔音保温材料。
Corrugated board is a kind of composite panel structure of metal ceiling, the panel select high-quality high- strength aluminum alloy plates, core material by automatic roller pressure to complete or continuous stamping corrugated shape, strength of materials. Using air hot melt adhesive, through high temperature and high pressure to complete sheet of adhesive. Panel can be punching on the back, sound-absorbing non-woven, can be used sound-absorbing ceiling. Its structure is mainly composed of panel, stiffener and Angle code. Angle code can be directly by the panel bending. stamping molding. can also be used in the panel riveting on the small side of the bracket forming. Reinforcement and the plate after welding screw connection. make it become a solid whole. greatly enhance the strength and rigidity of aluminum curtain wall corrugated board. enaure the long-term use of wind and earthquake resistant ability of amoothness and. If you need to sound insulation heat preservation. which can be installed in the inside of the aluminum plate and efficient sound insulatian heat preservation material.
瓦楞板结构图 Structural drawing of aluminum corrugated board
Two-sides corrugated panel:
application onthe wall panel and ceiling.
2.单面瓦楞板:适用于吊顶上。 Single-side corrugated panel: application on the ceiling.

产品结构 :1面板 2黏合剂 3瓦楞芯 4背板
Product structure:1. Front Panel 2. Adhesive 3. Corrugated Core 4. Back Panel
名称 Product name | 标准及参数 Criterion & Data |
面板 Front Panel | 3003H24高等级合金板厚度0.8㎜~1.2㎜,双面滚涂 3003 H24 High grade alloy panel thickness:0.8mm~1.2mm , Two-sides Coating |
背板 Back Panel | 3003H14高等级合金板厚度0.5㎜~1.0㎜,双面滚涂 3003 H14 High grade alloy panel thickness:0.5mm~1.0mm ,Two-sides Coating |
瓦楞芯Corrugated core | 3003 H24高等级合金板厚度0.2㎜~0.5㎜双面滚涂(可选) 3003 H24 High grade alloy panel thickness:0.2mm~0.5mmDouble Coating(optional) |
黏合剂 Adhesive | 双组份高温固化环氧树脂胶 bi-component and high temperature solidification epoxy resin adhesive |
板材规格 Standard Size | 宽度:600㎜~1800㎜ 长度:1000㎜~6000㎜ 厚度:8㎜~40㎜ Width:600mm-1800mm Length:1000mm-6000mm Thickness:8mm-40mm |
板才重量 The panel’s weight | 5.5~6.5㎏/㎡ |
冲孔 Perforation | 标孔 / 客户定制Standard Perforation Client customized |
颜色Color | 国际标准色号色彩International standard color code |
表面涂层 Surface Finish | 面涂聚脂漆,背涂背涂环氧漆 Front is polyester and back is epoxy paint |
耐火性能 Fire performance | 基材A1级 Base material A1 grade |